MST launches a game presenting the movement’s 40-year struggle for a people’s agrarian reform

The game can be pre-ordered on the official website of Expressão Popular

The goal is to make players fight together and implement agrarian reform. Photo: Divulgação/MST

From Brasil de Fato
Translated by: Ana Paula Rocha

To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Landless Workers’ Movement, also known as MST, they will launch a game called “Towards the People’s Agrarian Reform” in partnership with Mundukide Organization and the Brazilian publisher Expressão Popular. The launching event will be on December 15.

“The goal is to make people know, play, pay attention and be informed about the MST’s history by playing, making them part of the struggle towards the People’s Agrarian Reform,” said Rosmeri Witcel, from the MST’s national coordination.

The game intends to drive players towards a people’s agrarian reform leaving no one behind and collecting as many seeds as possible to sow the future. Throughout the game, many obstacles must be overcome collectively to achieve the final goal. The game is intended for children aged eight and over, with a minimum number of three players and a maximum of six.

With a dice, the game rounds follow the board. There are illustrations presenting the MST’s history, which started with the landless peasants’ union, in the 80s, in Rio Grande do Sul state. They demanded agrarian reform.

The squares on the board combine the paths the movement took over time, such as the creation of its first school, the flag, the anthem, and the creation of cooperation funds for food production, among other milestones throughout the four-decade long journey.

The board game will be launched on December 15 and can be pre-ordered on the official site of Expressão Popular.

Edited by: Vivian Virissimo