
Here’s how to support the settlement families affected by the floods in Rio Grande do Sul

National and internation donations can be made on the Apoia-se platorm; contribute and help rebuild the settlements in RS

Flooding invaded the fruit and vegetable greenhouses of the Integração Gaúcha settlement, in Eldorado do Sul. Photo: MST-RS

From the MST web site

Do you want to contribute, but don’t know how to donate to the MST settlement families in Rio Grande do Sul? More than 500 landless families suffer from floods, which flooded their homes, caused loss of food production, damage to structures, tools, machinery; beyond the lives of animals, since the end of April.

One option is to donate from the online platform called “MST for the victims of the RS floods – Emergency SOS Campaign for the homeless”. The platform is safe, accepting national and international donations. When accessing the page there is an informative text in three languages: Portuguese, English and French, explaining the objective of the campaign and what the amount raised will be applied to.

“We created this emergency campaign to support victims affected by floods in RS (…). MST rice-producing families were affected, and their homes were flooded. The residents were all removed from their homes, leaving behind their furniture, their memories and belongings, as well as their crops and gardens, which represent their livelihood”, according to the text of the campaign.

The flood hit families living in six Rio Grande do Sul settlements, in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre and in the center of the state. They are: Integração Gaúcha (IRGA) and Colônia Nonoaiense (IPZ), in Eldorado do Sul; Santa Rita de Cassia e Sino, in Nova Santa Rita; September 19th, in Guaíba and Tempo Novo, in Taquari.

To contribute, you can donate any amount between R$15.00 and R$700.00 in one go. To start donating, just click on the “Support now” button, choose the reward amount to be donated, register and choose the payment method, which can be made via credit card or Pix. Fill in the necessary fields with the payment details and select the “Finalize support” button. That’s it, you contributed to supporting the MST campaign for the victims of the RS floods!

It is also possible to donate any amount via pix: [email protected]

In addition to amounts in reais, international donations can also be made in dollars, euros and pounds sterling (GBP). The platform also has a chat for doubts and questions that may arise at the time of donation.

At the end, it is also possible to publicize the campaign to family, friends and acquaintances, on their social networks, strengthening solidarity and mobilization for the reconstruction of the lives of families settled in RS. The campaign runs until next Friday (May 24).

Contribute to the campaign by making your donation and help restructure the living conditions of families settled in Rio Grande do Sul.