People’s Movements Around the World Launch Campaign in Solidarity with Venezuela

Movements denounce US imperialism's attempts to destabilize Venezuela's democracy and popular sovereignty through various attacks and operations
People’s movements around the world launch campaign in solidarity with Venezuela. Photo: Zoe Alexandra

By ARGMedios

Alba Movimientos, a platform of social and political movements from across the Americas and the Caribbean, the International Peoples’ Assembly, the Simón Bolívar Institute and the Caribbean Peoples’ Assembly, launched a campaign titled “Defend Democracy and Sovereignty: USA Hands off Venezuela”.

The campaign was launched in the wake of Venezuela’s presidential elections on July 28, which were followed by a wave of attacks coordinated by far-right political actors, the main hegemonic media and the United States and its allies.

The document highlights that “the hegemonic media, in conjunction with foreign diplomatic actors, have sought to discredit the recent Venezuelan electoral process,” as part of a hybrid war led by the United States and other governments aligned with US-led imperialism.

On the other hand, in the same text, they point out that the “campaign seeks to debunk the fake news and falsehoods that have been put forth as general consensus, and thus give tools to the revolutionary peoples to counter the ideological and communications offensive against Venezuela: from the supposed technical electoral elements that have been used as a decoy to deflect even progressive sectors.”

They also denounce “the more than 930 unilateral coercive measures, and the wave of violence and persecution unleashed by the pro-coup opposition that seeks to achieve by force what they could not at the ballot box, while constructing new narratives with self-proclaimed presidents on social networks.”

The social movements that are part of the campaign say that it is impossible to analyze the Venezuelan situation without placing it in the regional and global geopolitical context: its privileged place in world oil production, its common goods placed at the service of the people, the place it occupies in the multipolar world alongside the emerging countries in the Global South, and, of course, its role in leading a project of regional unification and integration in Latin America and the Caribbean.

In the coming days there will be gatherings and demonstrations in front of US embassies in various cities around the world, with the aim of exposing Washington’s complicity with the Venezuelan far-right opposition.

Translation: Natalie Illanes Nogueira
Proofreading: Eduardo Rodríguez