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This 42-day ceasefire deal does not end the tragedy that Palestinians suffered nor does it erase the devastation experienced since October 2023
Document reaffirms the need for People’s Agrarian Reform in the country to overcome environmental destruction, concentration of wealth and social inequality
The armed attack left two dead and six injured. Lula’s government pledges support for the victims and a renewed focus on agrarian reform
Vijay Prashad reflects on the latest developments in Syria and what they mean for the West Asia region
Analysts agree on the importance of raising the level of the relationship between Brazil and China, but consider that there is room for more cooperation
Final report of the Federal Police investigation was made public by Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes
Thousands of people came out last weekend to protest against the genocide perpetrated by Israel in the Middle East. Progressive and left presidents of the region have publicly condemned Israel’s actions
From the MST’s website Dear Friends of the MST, Greetings from the Internationalist Sector of the MST in Brazil! We are approaching the end of 2024 in a context of great concern and tension over global geopolitical disputes. Perhaps the most emblematic example was the last UN General Assembly. After one year of the genocide […]
Healthy food is not produced through unhealthy relationships!
The letter states that the designation “is designed to maximize the suffering of the people of Cuba, strangling its economy, displacing its families, and even restricting the flow of humanitarian aid”
Brazil’s MST is running more than 600 candidates in municipal elections, reinforcing the struggle for agrarian reform and better living conditions
According to MapBiomas, pastureland has expanded by 79% and agriculture by 228% in the last 39 years
Economist and researcher, his work emphasized the need of Marxism for the struggle of peoples on the periphery of capitalism
Kenyan police officers were deployed to Haiti as part of a UN-mandated mission to try to combat gang violence and restore security
US-based activists organized a massive flour distribution campaign to offset the effects of the deadly regime of US sanctions and the blockade against Cuba
Read the interview with the militant of the peasant organization Papay Peasant Movement (MPP), from Haiti
Movements denounce US imperialism’s attempts to destabilize Venezuela’s democracy and popular sovereignty through various attacks and operations
The movement’s pre-candidates come from 12 political parties, but most are from the Workers’ Party
A health administrator from Rio Grande do Sul analyzes the state’s situation and sees a lack of coordination and the risk of misusing public funds in the upcoming municipal elections
About US$ 85,1 billion may be allocated; President Lula will announce a ceremony at Planalto Palace
Check out the article by João Pedro Stedile about the climate crisis
Prompted by the experience of a recent cholera outbreak, the Socialist Party of Zambia launched a mobile clinic in the effort of making health care more accessible to everyone
Between 2020 and 2023, the MST planted 25 million trees and recovered 15,000 hectares of degraded land
By Solange Engelmann With information from Agatha Azevedo, from Minas Gerais, Camila Maria Alves, from Goiás and Fernanda Alcântara, from São Paulo | From the MST Page | Translated by Friends of the MST (US) In the second part of the report, settled families complain about the lack of public investment in structuring life in […]
Since 1999, 71 landless families are encamped in the 479-ha resistance community
In an interview, João Pedro Stedile, leader of the MST, gives a rating of three to the federal government’s land democratization policy and criticizes the low investment in programs to combat hunger.
Thousands took to the streets in São Paulo on Saturday to protest the bill in the Chamber of Deputies that equates abortion to homicide
The Chamber of Deputies surprised many by pushing forward the discussion on a bill that equates abortion with murder and prohibits abortion even in cases of rape
Sowing in partnership with the Federal Highway Police was part of a plan to curb the environmental crisis
Landless Workers’ Movement (MST) celebrates 40 years of struggle tackling gender-based violence in rural areas
In Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), millions are suffering from extreme flooding. Amid the waters, the Landless Workers’ Movement is focused on providing emergency relief
National and internation donations can be made on the Apoia-se platorm; contribute and help rebuild the settlements in RS
Floods in Rio Grande do Sul call for immediate interventions to tackle health effects and long-term mental health repercussions. Calls to implement a National Environmental Health Policy increase among researchers and activists
Check out the MST’s main solidarity actions in the state, such as solidarity kitchens, rescue of the homeless, donations of materials and medical assistance
Check out the full document from the Landless Workers Movement on the postponement of the VII National Congress
The month marks April 17, when the International Day of Peasant Struggle is remember the 21 rural workers murdered by the military police in the 1996 Eldorado dos Carajás massacre in Pará
MST Campaign of Struggle in Defense of Agrarian Reform launches the slogan: “Occupy to feed Brazil!”
A national mobilization is underway to commemorate the 28th anniversary of the Eldorado do Carajás martyrs’ deaths and to celebrate 40 years of the MST’s struggles
This dossier focuses on the MST’s tactics and forms of organisation and why it is the only peasant social movement in Brazil’s history that has managed to survive for over a decade in the face of the political, economic, and military power of Brazil’s large landowners
Around 40 schools, from 13 states, carried out educational activities against the genocide of Palestinian children
About 196 square kilometers were deforested in the first two months of 2024. Last year, it was 523 square kilometers
João Paulo Rodrigues says the left will not accept granting pardon for those who participated on the January 8 attack
Tavares’ killing occurred during an action by the Paraná State Military Police that injured 185 MST members
The Maria Rosa do Contestado camp will be the first in Paraná to be regularized during President Lula’s third term
This March 8, the MST in the Federal District and Surrounding Area releases a note on protest against the State of Israel and solidarity with the Palestinian people
The MST will come out in defense of rural and urban workers working for agrarian reform
Community is made up of more than 160 families and advances agroecological production and local development
Check out an interview with Lucineia Freitas, from the National Directorate of the MST Gender Sector, about the challenges and flags of the National Day of Landless Women
As a result of the deliberate actions carried out by the Israeli occupation of Palestine, hundreds of thousands of residents of Gaza are being denied access to sufficient food
Agribusiness production increased by 15.1% between 2022 and 2023, while citizens’ consumption increased by 3.1%
The Brazilian President was recently banned from Israel after standing unequivocally with Palestine and against Israeli-perpetrated genocide